
Still in the process of making this website and setting out files so it is easier to maintain in the long run. I can now use markdown to make these posts which is much easier to write and edit incomparison to HTML 😃.

In Retrospect

My CSS files are still very messy and I will need to be rearranged in the future. I should try and make blog posts easier to locate especially when more posts will be added in the future, but I can always change the dates to push the more important and recent posts onto the top. I could potentially put these in a separate repo filled with the raw markdown files which would be an easier fix. In the future when this becomes more of an issue, I could include a search feature :)

The Experience

I’m currently taking a Flask course @ uni, so I did try start there thinking I could get some extra experience on the side. After going over a large majority of the site, I realised that deployment was not very easy given I wanted a safe place to publish the site and was on a small budget. Thus, I ended up deploying here on github with Jeykll as part of my technology stack. I was suprised how quick I was able to pick up on HTML and CSS, having lots of fun in controlling how my website looked. I’ll definitely be trying to maintain this website as much as I can, updating with cool stuff I discover in my journey as well as a hub to easily refer back to my previous projects.

Moving forward

I have had a few ideas on what to write about before even making this website. Eventually I do hope to make a full documentation on how to use Markdown (considering I’m going to be using it alot more now) and potentially some vim 👀 (Just to name a few :D).